Art historical Explanations

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· Exhibition 
· Evolutionary Art
·· Computer-aided, evolutionary art
· The integrated art process of Bachelier
·· Conventional art process
··· Actionpainting
··· Konzeptkunst
··· Jackson Pollock
·· Self organized Painting
·· Data- and function orientated approaches
·· Evolutionary art process
··· Reproduction
···· asexual Reproduction
···· sexual Reproduction
·· Qbist (in german)
·· Evo-Art and Communication (in german)
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Concept art

Günter Bachelier

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Mental states as art

Concept art is used as a collecting word for a heterogeneous sum of stylistic methods and procedures, which both no longer define art with physical objects, but as ideas and mental concepts, which instancing can lead to physical objects, but do not have to.

With the explicit introduction into the concept art a development has become a topic, which is marked by a retinal aesthetic and which led to an expanded meaning of art, in which mental states are seen as objects of art.

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First steps in the early abstract art

First steps in the direction of the importance of the mental things can already be identified in the developing of the abstract art in the beginning of the 20th century, in which the "spiritual in art" has a bigger meaning than the material manifestation. These early steps stay close to the retinal aesthetic, as now the material pictures are changed by abstract pictures.

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Sketches, Descriptions and Instructions

The disengagement from a retinal aesthetic firstly came through in the 60s, whereby instead of art objects now sketches, descriptions and instructions were used to build up an object.

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Problem with the authorisation

Indem der Künstler Objekte nicht mehr selbst ausführt, wird die Problemstellung der Reproduzierbarkeit nochmals verschärft, die schon bei der Verwendung der Fotographie als Mittel zur Kunsterzeugung thematisiert wurde. Die dort gefundenen Lösungsansätze bezüglich der Autorisation durch den Künstler lassen sich teilweise auf den Bereich der Konzeptkunst übertragen, indem beispielsweise eine Bauanleitung zum Bau einer maximalen Anzahl von Objekten berechtigt, die auf diese Weise durch den Künstler autorisiert sind.

Formen der individuellen Autorisation von Einzelobjekten können dann erfolgen, wenn neben der Bauanleitung die Materialien mitgeliefert werden, auf denen duch Autorisationssymbole wie Signatur, Titel und Numerierung angebracht sind.

While the artist does not realise the objects on his own the problem with the reproduction of artworks, which has already become topic when using the photography to create art, becomes more difficult. This problem solving method that were found in relation to the authorisation by the artist can be used in concept art as well, for example in an instruction allows to build a maximum sum of objects that are authorised by the artist in this way.

Forms of individual authorisation of single objects can follow, if besides the building instruction the materials are supplied, on which you can find symbols of authorisation like signature, title and number.

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Interactive art

Durch die Verwendung von Anleitungen wird der Rezipient dazu aufgefordert, das Kunstwerk zumindest mental zu generieren. Durch diesen Vorgang kann die Konzeptkunst auch als Vorläufer interaktiver Kunstformen betrachtet werden, die den ehemaligen Rezipienten in die Kunstentstehung integriert, sodaß die Grenzen zwischen Kunsterzeugung und Kunstrezeption aufgehoben werden. Durch die Fähigkeit des Rezipienten eine aktive Interpretation durchzuführen, kann der Prozeß der Kunstentstehung als Kommunikation betrachtet werden, wenn die Definition "Kommunikation als interpretierte Interaktion" zugrunde gelegt wird.

By using instructions the recipient is encouraged to generate the work at least mentally. With doing this concept art is said to be as the first step into the interactive art that integrates the former recipient into the development of art so that there are no borders between the arising of art and the reception of art. Because of the ability of the reception to make an interactive examination the process of developing art can be seen as communication, if the definition "communication as examined art" is the background.

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If instructions were seen as materialising of mental concepts, general data structures can have the same function. In this way digital saved objects can be interpreted as concepts as well, that become by a further process, like printing, a physical object.

This argumentation can be used in a simple way for the data orientated computer art and twice for the function orientated computer art, in which, for example, a work does not exist as a matrix of pixels, but as a form that must be calculated interactively to create a matrix of pixels, which then can be changed into a physical object.

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Exhibition | Evolutionary Art | The integrated art process of Bachelier
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